Page 5 of The 4th Wall

Page 5 of The 4th Wall
Our Comic is coming to life

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day - Whatever!?

Don't know what to write about, Im pretty much running out of stuff.anyway here some more of my art. Until i think of something.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day 5 - Artist Block / Crazy Idea In The Works

These are the worst... The mind creates invisible blocking structures, that map out your mind's creativity. In plan words... IT SUCKS!. I hate that I want to draw something but my mind keeps me from it. I'm sitting at my desk just thinking of what I can draw, instead of just drawing, that seems like the smart thing for my mind to do.

If I was a professional Graphic artist this would not fly. I would pretty much be screwed, because my brain doesn't work when i tell it too. Well when it come to art anyway, well on to other things for the past 2 days I've been doing a lot of thinking, and I mean A LOT OF THINKING, to the point where it kinda puts you in a state of depression... Yea!? that bad!. Anyway it's this idea that I had to challenge me, my art, mind, and discipline, Now I'm still working out the kinks of this crazy idea, and I'll fill you in on my next post.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Day 4 - The New Cover

For a while now, Antonio (The Writer of the Series) and I, have been wondering of an idea of the cover for the first issue. We both knew the cover of the first issue had to be amazing but not have too many characters on it, and makes people want to pick it up and buy it. Since April of 2011 We have been thinking of this, and got nothing. I have drawn up so many drafts and we both agreed that they didn't feel right or didn't pack that, Hey pick up this book it's awesome vibe.

Now just last night an idea popped into my head and I have been up since 2 am drawing it, It's now finished and has to be scanned, Hopefully I will have it uploaded on my next blog so that who ever reads my blog will be able to see it.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 3 - All In Or Not At All.

It's one of those days... You know one day your so hyped to go an pursue your dream, and then all of a sudden your mind runs wild and starts thinking, (well hey what if you don't make it) DAMN  those thoughts of mine.

I got all my eggs in one basket with this career, because I love it that much, is it bad that it scares me to fail... is it bad that I'm a little scared at all... I mean I'm not a pussy or anything lol, but it would suck to put your heart and soul into something, for a big time editor to just say...(sorry but you kinda suck right now).  I understand that they give you advise on how to get better but it still hurts ya know.

Anyway did a commission for some one, it was Ultimate Spider-Man issue #115

Monday, October 10, 2011

Day 2 - Meet The Group

Whoa this is really something different... Writing blogs I mean, I'm still not used to it. Anyway so far you all you know me, Jay Shy, but let me tell you about team mates or Studio Mates, or friends,  *gosh* there are so many things I can call these great people I work with.

First off there is my buddy Antonio Burgohy, he is the writer of the story. You ever met someone who does something so well, and you just ask them why aren't they doing that professionally or why are you working here you should be doing this. Well he's one of those people, His brain knows no bounds when it comes to writing stories.

Next is my Inker Ryan Haying, awesome guy, very funny, out going, a young married comedian... Hmm (YMC) We met each other on Deviant Art a year ago before I got laid off, he pretty much said I want to help on this comic book series you guys are doing without pay.... He want to be a part of something great just like the rest of us.

Next up is Marty Snodgrass, Marty is one of those people you want around, just a full of life type of person who is ready for any task you throw at him. I haven't really spoken to him much mostly because we don't collab as much as me and Ryan do.

Next is Steven Oaks, Lets just say mister Oaks saved our project by becoming our colorist in the team with out him our book would have never looked like the picture up here. He's a cool guy from... hmmm where does he live again..... I think it's some where in Europe... I forget LOL.

Anyway with these guys I think we have a shot at creating something Awesome. You just need Faith. 

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Day -1 First Blog Ever, In Life.

Ok after an hour of trying to figure out what to do, I'm finally getting started. This is it, My buddies and I, are on a never ending road to do what we love most. We want to make comic books, it is like a life long dream for all of us to become Professional Writers, and Artist alike. We are young guys with great fresh Ideas - all we need is that shot. BUT... We have to earn it.

Ever since we got laid off of our jobs back in October of 2010 because of a messed up economy, that was a sign that we should get to work on this dream of ours and I want to tell the story bit by bit just in case we do make, I want others who have dreams, to know that they do come true, it's just a very hard road to get there.

Unless your RICH AS HELL.